Mike Loves Me
x-posted from my flickr account
This photo was my little brother's last birthday present to me, in March 2003. My mom and dad e-mailed it to me back then as part of a birthday message. He was ripped from my life on January 11, 2005, but this photo gets me through the hard days.
What made me post this at this time, is that I read a particularly moving post on Matthew Good's blog entitled 'Wealth'. At times, I feel so down lately, but when I look at this photo I remember how pure my brother was, and how he loved people so openly. And I feel so lucky that I had a person like that in my life, and that I knew what it felt like to have someone like that love you. I miss him a lot, but I do still feel lucky and wealthy to have had 31 years on earth together.
At 11:19 PM, Deb said…
He looks like a sweetheart. I'm sorry you lost him.
I'm one of the lucky ones - my brother has 3 months clean. We'd been through hell before that and he was probably hitting his bottom while dad was battling cancer and on death's doorstep. Mom's paralyzed by stroke.
You, also, sound like a special person. Just stumbled across your blog somehow via Flickr, Zona Boy, etc., etc. I also follow Matt's blog. And, I can relate to the "worst years of my life"...mine's been about 10 (and also included flooding!!). Hang in there and know you're not alone!
I'm enjoying your blog (and your pictures - very cool).
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